It is anticipated that COVID19 will cause disruption to all businesses and to people’s day to day lives over the coming weeks and beyond. As employers we have a duty of care for our staff and as a business, we also have a further duty of care for our clients to ensure that we provide as safe an environment as possible for all concerned and ensure that we do not expose anyone to unnecessary risk.
As government’s guidance is likely to change as time passes, we would like to make you aware of the measures we are putting in place to enable us to maintain a level of service during these difficult times. You will appreciate this is an evolving situation and we will continue to act on the advice provided by the Governmental Agencies and would encourage you to do so as well.
- We have measures in place to enable our employees to work from home, if, necessary. For the time being staff will remain working from the office until the government advises otherwise, or we have a confirmed case within the building.
- Due to the nature of our business there are many factors out of our control that could affect the products and services we offer. We endeavor to maintain inventory in order to fulfill all orders, however the impact of the virus on our suppliers and couriers is out of our control and as such we cannot guarantee supply during these difficult times.
- In the event our offices have to close we will continue to maintain support. However, even with key staff working from home it is highly likely that you will experience a disruption in service due to reduced capability. We will be working hard to minimize any disruption to clients, but we ask for your patience, and understanding during any such event.
- We would request that only essential visits are made to our offices in order to protect our staff and visitors alike and assist with stopping the spread of the virus.
- For more information and latest advise, please visit
coronavirus/2019-ncov/index. html
We would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation during this unprecedented period.